Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thursday, March 22nd Operate Under Divine Ability- Luke 4:16-21

Thursday, March 22nd
Operate Under Divine Ability- Luke 4:16-21
We must seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit in our lives because it is the Holy Spirit who gives us the divine ability to fulfil our God given purpose. Everything Jesus did on earth, He did under the inspiration of the Spirit. Jesus Himself said the Spirit of the Lord had anointed Him to do the things He did on the earth.
To be anointed is more than applying oil on someone's head. It also refers to the divine appointment and the endowment of a person with divine ability to the glory of God. You must seek to operate under the anointing of the Holy Spirit in order to fulfil the purpose of God in your life. Paul said that his ability to do all things was not his own; he did them through Christ. The word Christ or Christos in its original form is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word Messiah both meaning 'Anointed One'. Therefore, everything Paul did was under the anointing in Christ. As a child of God, your motivation, strength and inspiration to do all things must come from Christ, the Anointed One. Only He can impart to you the power and ability required.

Wednesday , March 21st Become a Problem Solver - Genesis 41

Wednesday , March 21st
Become a Problem Solver - Genesis 41
The world was about to be hit one of the most profound economic recessions it had ever seen. Millions were destined to die of starvation and nations threatened to be wiped out. A great famine was about to hit the land of Egypt. In Genesis 41, God gave Pharaoh two troublesome dreams predicting impending disaster but he needed someone to help him make sense of it. Joseph showed up on the scene and by the grace of God was able to explain Pharaoh's dream. However what is most striking about the anointing in Joseph's life was the ability to also come up with a solution. There are many people who have mastered the art of finding fault and pointing out mistakes. They are expert problem highlighters. Moon walkers not only see the problem but also know how to create and articulate solutions. The person who solves problems is the one who will pass their exams. The person who solves problems is the one who will get that promotion or raise. Problem solvers are sought after, paid more and shown greater respect than problem creators or finders. Make your mark, leave your footprints on the moon and become a solution to somebody's dilemma.

Tuesday, March 20th Fulfill A Need - Acts 3:1-10

Tuesday, March 20th
Fulfill A Need - Acts 3:1-10
We have all been created to fulfil a need. In the history of Israel, Joseph was born to save them from starvation, Moses was created to deliver them from slavery and Esther was divinely appointed to prevent their extinction. Even outcasts from the nation of Israel, like Rehab the prostitute who helped Joshua and his men, had their use. Whether big or small, recorded or unrecorded, notable or unknown to the public, you were born to fulfill a need. That need arose even before your birth.
Jesus Christ came to the earth to fulfil the ultimate need of mankind; the need for a Saviour. Even He breaks it down further and describes the brevity of that need in Luke 4:17-18. As seen in today's reading, Jesus' disciples continued to fulfil people?s needs even after His ascension to heaven. The greatest need God created you for is in the reconciliation of man to Himself. You were created to promote the Kingdom of God and facilitate the return of man into a relationship with God.
All around you are people who need you. Your role might be to act as an evangelist sharing the Gospel, or to serve others as a witness to Christ, or to be a good example of Christ at your work place.
Whatever you do, fulfill the need to the glory of God.

Monday, March 19th Visualize the Moon - Genesis 13: 14-17

Monday, March 19th
Visualize the Moon - Genesis 13: 14-17
In Genesis 13, Lot and Abraham go their separate ways. Lot chose to live in Sodom and Gomorrah, a land that seemed more fertile and prosperous, whilst Abraham remained in Canaan in obedience to God. He knew that God had already made a promise to make him a great nation.
At the end of the chapter, God appears to Abraham and confirms His promises to him. In verses 14-17, God asks Abraham to do 4 things: Look, See, Go and Walk through.
It is important to note that God asks Abraham to look and see his promises coming to reality before going and walking through it. There must be a visualization before the realization; it is the vision you perceive that gives rise to the reality you achieve. It is essential that you look and see the purpose God has for you actually happening in your life. This empowers you to be expectant of the end result even before the end occurs. What can you see in the spirit? What is the reality that God is showing you that has not yet manifested? Begin to ask God to open the eye of your spirit and show you what He has in store for you.
You must be able to visualise your moon before you can aim for it and walk on it to leave your footprints.

Sunday, March 18th Cultivate a Lifestyle of Prayer - Daniel 6: 1-23

Sunday, March 18th
Cultivate a Lifestyle of Prayer - Daniel 6: 1-23
King Darius was about to bestow upon Daniel a great honor in Daniel 6. Daniel was about to achieve a moon size accomplishment. Through the favor of God, Daniel the slave rose to become governor in a foreign land. In a plot to destroy and discredit him before the king, the only charge the other governors and advisers could bring against Daniel was his fervent devotion to prayer. They knew Daniel depended and relied on God as his source. They banked on and took advantage of his commitment to maintaining his relationship with God. Ultimately, God came through for Daniel and put his enemies to shame.
Likewise, if you are to achieve your purpose in life, you must cultivate a lifestyle of prayer. Prayer is the catalyst for lift off and the sustaining power when you are in flight.
As children of God, we are strangers in this land because we belong to the Kingdom of God. Through prayer, God is able to speak to us and we are able to respond to Him. Prayer must not be a once in a while thing we do when there is trouble or when time permits. Prayer must be a priority and our daily habit. Make a decision from now on to devote yourself daily to prayer.

Saturday, March 17th Seek Divine Direction - 1 Samuel 30:1-20

Saturday, March 17th
Seek Divine Direction - 1 Samuel 30:1-20
In today's busy world, we are used to getting things in record time. We get our food fast, we relate to people from different time zones in real time via email and instant messaging. Everything is ordered, delivered and expected in a rush and if our demands are not met on time, we complain or take our business elsewhere. In today's reading, David's men were distraught. The troop had returned to camp to find their homes destroyed, their family and possessions taken away. They were close to stoning David. At that moment, it would have been easy to react hastily under pressure. Perhaps he was tempted to lash out at the men, as he too had suffered loss, or he could have made rash promises of victory and restoration to them. Instead David did what we must do in our everyday lives. He simply inquired of the Lord. He did not assume victory or conclude that going to fight was the best and only option, He let God decide. You cannot have a successful journey in life without seeking divine direction in your endeavors. You must yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life to direct and guide you; He will never lead you astray. He is the divine navigator, follow His lead today.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16th - Return to the Potter

Friday, March 16th
Return to the Potter - Isaiah 64: 4-9
Intelligent Design is the understanding that the complexity, beauty and composition of this world is the work of an intelligent mind as opposed to a random, non-purposeful chain of events. Creationists believe that this Intelligent Designer is God.
The Bible tells us that God is our Potter and we are the work of His hands, products of His labour. A Potter shapes the clay, fires it and then glazes it in order to design different objects for the desired purpose. A ceramic vase is designed with its unique purpose in mind, to hold flowers.
In the same way, God, your Intelligent Designer and perfect Potter knows just what purpose you were created for. You are the work of His hand and only in His hands, can you be moulded, fired up and shaped to fulfil His desired will for your life.
If you want to leave your footprints on the moon, you must return to God, the Potter and ask Him to show you what destiny He had in mind when He was creating you. Submit to His shaping and moulding. Allow Him to fire you up. Relent in absolute surrender to His decoration and beautification of your life for His glory.

Thursday, March 15th - Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, March 15th
Jeremiah 29:11
God has a purpose for each one of us. Some of us know our purpose while others are still in the process of uncovering it. When we know our purpose, God uses it to enable us to renew His kingdom, but in order to renew His kingdom; we must continually renew our purpose and ourselves. Don't let God's purpose for your life become stale and feel old to you. Allow God to renew His purpose in such a way that it feels as fresh as the day you first uncovered it. Ask Him to expand your purpose and show you specifically the ways you can contribute to renewing His kingdom in the same way He has renewed your life and purpose.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

3-14-12 / 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Wednesday, March 14th
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 gives us a friendly reminder about the importance of not only renewing what's on the inside, but also what's on the outside. Think about it for a moment. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and should be treated as such. Would you let your church building look run down or distressed? Of course not! If repairs were needed to your church, you would renovate your church so that it stands as a shining beacon of Christ's love in your community. Therefore, shouldn't we treat our bodies the same way and continually renew them so that they are able to carry out God's purpose for our lives? In what ways do you need to renew your body? Renewal can look different for everyone. For some it might be the need for a little more exercise or a better diet. It could be the need for physical healing. For others, it may be allowing God to renew you from a past sexual sin. Find where you need renewal for your body and allow God to work His healing in your life.

3-13-12 / Romans 12:1-2

Tuesday, March 13th
Romans 12:1-2
It has been often said that the mind is the devil's playground. There is a lot of truth in that statement as so many of the spiritual battles we fight against our enemy take place in the mind. Maybe it's the guilt of a past sin that our spiritual enemy continues to place into your mind or the cravings of an addiction that you have not fully overcome. Perhaps, he whispers negative words that give you doubts about your faith or your ability to accomplish what God has intended for you to do. Do as Romans 12:2 says today and allow God to transform you through the renewing of your mind. Pray and ask God today to remove the negative thoughts our spiritual enemy continues to infiltrate your mind with and allow God to renew your mind and replace the negativity with clarity and purity. Let God help you fight the battle in your mind and gain victory.

3-12-12 / Psalms 51:10

Monday, March 12th
Psalms 51:10 / Proverbs 4:23
The heart is the center of life. It is within this uniquely created internal organ that we have physical life. Without it, life is just not possible. The heart is also the center of spiritual life. Proverbs tell us that we must guard our heart because it is the wellspring of both physical and spiritual life. Our heart determines our actions and reflects whether or not Christ is the center of our lives. That is why it is important that we ask God to continually renew our hearts. Take an inventory of your heart today. Is your heart where it needs to be or do you need God's renewal? Ask God to renew your heart and commit that He will remain at the center of your heart.

3-11-12 / Colossians 3:1-17

Sunday, March 11th
Colossians 3:1-17
Being a new creation in Christ means that you have been renewed. The old sinful person you once were has gone as a result of your being completely renewed through Christ. In fact, the word renew can be defined as "changing into something new and different, something better." That really sums up what renewal in Christ means in that we were remade into something better. For some of us, it may have been quite a struggle to remove the old sinful self and totally renovate our lives. It may continue to be a struggle, but know this: if you stay steadfast in your relationship with God, He will continually work in your life to renew you and rid yourself of the stains of sin that may continually plague you.

3-10-12 / Go To The Throne Before The Phone!

Saturday, March 10th
Go to the Throne Before the Phone!
Don't run around seeking counsel from just anyone. Pray first, asking the Lord whether it is His will that you go to another human being for counsel or whether He desires to counsel you Himself. In my own life I have had many, many problems, yet I never went to anyone else for counsel with the exception of one time. On this occasion I visited a lady in ministry who had been abused herself. I do not mean to discredit her, but she really was not able to help me. It was not her fault; she simply was not anointed by the Lord to do so.
God is not obligated to anoint what He does not initiate. So often people run to others without following the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit, and it never bears good, lasting fruit. When you are in trouble, go to the throne before you go to the phone. I do not mean to suggest that it is wrong to seek counsel. I am just suggesting that you pray and allow the Lord to lead and guide you through the Holy Spirit. Let Him choose the right counselor for you. Just because a person has been through what you are going through, or is a close personal friend, does not mean that individual is the right counselor for you. So I repeat, pray!

3-9-12 // Our Standard Is Jesus

Friday, March 9th
Our Standard Is Jesus
Obey God in every little thing, and you will enjoy an excellent life. Be diligent in your obedience. Learn to live your life before God and not before man. Go the extra mile and do all the little things that God tells you to do, even though nobody else may ever know. Put your grocery cart back in the stall where it belongs instead of leaving it out in the middle of the parking lot. Why? Because the owner of the property has put up a sign saying, "Please return carts here," and God has said to submit to authority (SEE TITUS 3:1).

The flesh says, "Well, everybody else leaves their carts everywhere; why should I put mine up?" Because our standard is not others - our standard is Jesus. When I compare myself to everybody else, I don't look too bad. But if I compare myself to Jesus, I am humbled and ask God to help me! Until Jesus comes to get us, we need to compare ourselves to Him and the standard of holiness that He holds up for our lives.

Thursday March 8th

Thursday, March 8th
Complain and Remain, Praise and Be Raised
Complaining is a sin! It is a corrupt form of conversation that causes many people a great deal of problems in their lives. It also opens many doors for the enemy. Words are containers of power. Complaining, grumbling words carry destructive power. They destroy the joy of the one doing the complaining and can also affect other people who have to listen to them.
In Ephesians 4:29, the apostle Paul instructs us not to use any foul or polluting language. At one time I would not have known that included complaining, but now I have learned that it does. Murmuring and complaining pollute our lives and probably sound like cursing to the Lord. To Him it is verbal pollution. To pollute is to poison. Did you ever stop to think that you and I can poison our future by complaining about what is going on right now?
When we complain about our current situation, we remain in it; when we praise God in the midst of difficulty, He raises us out of it. The best way to start every day is with gratitude and thanksgiving. Get a jump on the devil. If you don't fill your thoughts and conversation with good things, he will definitely fill them with evil things. Truly thankful people do not complain. They are so busy being grateful for the good things they do have that they have no time to notice the things they could complain about. Praise and thanksgiving are good; complaining and grumbling are evil.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday, March 7th Shake It Off

From the book New Day, New You by Joyce Meyer.

Wednesday, March 7th

Shake It Off
One of my favorite stories is about a farmer's donkey that fell into a dry well. The animal cried pitifully for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do for his poor donkey. Finally, he concluded that the well was too deep, and it really needed to be covered up anyway. Besides, the donkey was old, and it would be a lot of trouble to get him out of the pit. The farmer decided that it was not worth trying to retrieve the animal, so he asked his neighbors to help him fill in the well and bury the donkey.
They all grabbed shovels and began to toss dirt into the well. The donkey immediately realized what was happening, and he began to bray horribly. Crying would be our normal response if somebody was mistreating us this badly, so this donkey was responding the same way we would at first, but then he got real quiet. A few shovel loads of dirt later, the farmer looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that hit the donkey's back, the donkey would shake it off and step on top of it.
As the neighbors and the farmer continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he continued to shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon the donkey shook off the last shovel full of dirt, took a step up, and walked right out of the well. We can learn so much from this story. When trouble comes, if we will get still and listen, God will tell us what to do.
By the grace and mercy of God, I was able to shake off a lot of things in my life, a lot of hurt feelings, a lot of mistreatment, a lot of abuse, a lot of unfair, unjust, unkind things. Just like the donkey, in order to keep pressing on and have victory in our lives, we are going to have to learn to shake off the troubles that come our way.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday March 6th

Oh, Well
Whenever I find myself in a situation I can't do anything about, I have found that a good way to cast my care upon the Lord is simply to say, "Oh, well."

Take, for example, the morning that Dave spilled his orange juice in the car and got a little of it on my sweater. Immediately he said, "Devil, I'm not impressed." And I said, "Oh, well." So that problem was solved, and we pressed forward with the rest of our day.

Some things just aren't worth getting upset about, yet many people do. Unfortunately a large majority of Christians are upset, fretful, and full of anxiety most of the time. It is not the big things that get to them; it is the little things that don't fit into their plans. Instead of casting their care and just saying, "Oh well," they are always trying to do something about something they can't do anything about. On more than one occasion that simple phrase "Oh, well" has really helped me to make it through.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday March 5th

Let It Drop
According to the dictionary, forgive means "to renounce anger or resentment against, to absolve from payment of (e.g. a debt)." I like the phrase used by The Amplified Bible in Mark 11:25, "Let it drop." How many times have you had a problem with someone and think you have settled it between you, but the other person keeps bringing it back up?

My husband and I have had those kinds of experiences with each other many times in our shared life. I believe most men are more willing and able to let things go than women. The popular stereotype of the nagging wife is not entirely inaccurate. I know, because I used to be one of them.

Dave and I would have a disagreement or problem between us and he would say, "Oh, let's just forget about it." But I would keep dragging it up again and again. I can remember him saying to me in desperation, "Joyce, can't we just drop it?" That's what Jesus is telling us to do here in this verse. Drop it, leave it, let it go, stop talking about it.

Sunday March 4

Take a Praise Pause
I don't think anything blesses God more than when we stop right in the middle of what we're doing sometimes and lift our hands to worship Him or take a moment to bow down before Him and say, "I love You, Lord." In the scripture for today, the psalmist says he took time seven times a day and all day long to praise God.

Think about a businessman, for example, maybe the president of a large company. Wouldn't it be wonderful if two or three times a day, he would close the door to his office, turn the lock, kneel, and say, "God, I just want to take some time to worship You. Father, all these things You are giving me - the business, the money, the success - are great, but I just want to worship You. I magnify You. You are so wonderful. I love You. You are all I need. Father, I worship You. Jesus, I worship You. Holy Spirit, I worship You." I believe that if the businessman did that, he would never need to be concerned about his business, his finances, or success. All of those things would be taken care of.

Matthew 6:33 (KJV) says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Sat. March 3rd

Get Reappointed
All of us become disappointed when we have a plan that fails, a hope that does not materialize, a goal that is unreached. When things like that happen, for a certain period of time we experience a letdown, one that can lead to depression if it is not handled properly.

That's when we have to make the decision to adapt and adjust, to take a new approach, to just keep going despite our feelings. That's when we must remember that we have the Greater One residing within us, so that no matter what may happen to frustrate us, or how long it may take for our dreams and goals to become reality, we are not going to give up and quit just because of our emotions. That is when we must remember what God once told me in just such a moment: "When you get disappointed, you can always make the decision to get reappointed!"

Disappointment often leads to discouragement, which is even more of a "downer." How disappointing and discouraging it is to see the things we love senselessly destroyed by others or, even worse, by our own neglect or failure.

Regardless of how it may happen or who may be responsible, it is hard to go on when everything we have counted on falls down around us. That's when those of us who have the creative power of the Holy Spirit on the inside can get a new vision, a new direction, and a new goal to help us overcome the downward pull of disappointment, discouragement, and destruction.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday March 2nd

Friday March 2nd

But God...
There is a little phrase in the Bible that I get excited about every time I come across it. It is just two little words, but it is found throughout the Bible and is probably one of the most powerful two-word phrases in it. It is simply this: But God . . .

As we go through the Bible, we constantly read disastrous reports of the terrible things the devil had planned for God's people. Then we come to this little phrase, But God . . ., and the next thing we read about is a victory. In the above scripture, the fact is mentioned that we are all sinners, a condition that deserves punishment and death. The phrase But God . . . interrupts the process. God's love is brought into the situation and changes everything.

While we were sinners, Christ died for us, and by doing so, proved His love for us. He proved that His love interrupts the devastation of sin. When God called me into the ministry, people told me, "Joyce, a group of us have been talking, and we feel that there is no way you are ever going to be able to do what you say God has told you that you are going to do. We don't feel your personality is suitable for such a job." I still remember how awful I felt when they said those things to me.

I was hurt and discouraged . . . but God had called me, and He qualified me. What others thought was not even usable, God saw value in. He helped me, and He will do the same thing for you.

From the book New Day, New You by Joyce Meyer.

Thursday March 1st

Thursday March 1st

It's Okay to Laugh
Many serious things are going on in this world, and we need to be aware of them and prepared for them. But at the same time we need to learn to relax and take things as they come without getting all nervous and upset about them. We need to learn how to enjoy the good life God has provided for us through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ (SEE JOHN 10:10). In spite of all the troubling things going on around us in the world, our daily confession should be, "This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it."

Something we Christians need to do more of is laugh. We tend to be so heavy about everything - our sin, expecting perfection from ourselves, our growth in God, our prayer life, the gifts of the Spirit, and memorizing Bible verses. We carry around such heavy burdens. If we would just laugh a little more - be of good cheer, "cheer up" - we would find that a little bit of laughter makes that load much lighter.

In the world we live in, there isn't a great deal to laugh about so we will need to do it on purpose. It is easy to find plenty to worry about. To be happy, we need to work on it a little. We need to laugh and have a good time.

From the book New Day, New You by Joyce Meyer.