Monday, February 28, 2011


     “The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.”

Several months ago Athena and I found ourselves at a crossroads in ministry. The Lord had been dealing with our hearts and we felt Him urging us to move in a new direction. As usual with unknown territory, we stepped out in faith and distinguished that God was calling us to be senior pastors. This process we have embarked on has been one which required unyielding trust that God's will for our lives, our ministry, is perfect and far surpasses our own. And, as always He has proven Himself faithful.

Throughout this process we have fasted, prayed, and sought the advice of our beloved friends and mentors. When we reached this "checkpoint" in our lives we knew that it was not a decision to take lightly. We could not have made it without the friends and family who have supported us now, as they always do. To those people we want to say thank you for your prayers and advice.

It was about one month ago that we received the call about a church in LaFayette, Georgia. We took the news with excitement, but also in stride as we wanted to take every step forward with prayerful consideration. Two weeks later we loaded our car up and drove to the church to interview. We found ourselves among a warm and inviting church family. The drive home was welcomed for once. Traveling is rarely an enjoyment, however there is something about a long drive, open road, and time together that provided an opportunity for Athena and I to discuss and decide. It took some thoughtful consideration, however. I describe myself as an oven, not a microwave when making these decisions. Athena often says I'm even slower; she calls me a crockpot.

This is when our friends and close confidants came to play an important part. By the end of the week the discussion among Athena and I shifted from our decision to the vision we had for the church. It was at that point we began to savor the smell of what God was cooking. While God was leading our hearts, God was also leading the decision of LaFayette's, and they voted to receive us as senior pastor and wife with 100% of the vote. Athena and I's decision was then confirmed.

To say we are excited is a great understatement. There is something so peaceful to know that in our lives we are loosing control as God takes control. To LCOG we want to say we cannot wait to join you and your church family and we look forward to what God is going to do through us for His kingdom.

It is not easy to leave. Leaving means tears, good- byes, and the close of a chapter in our lives. But move on we must. To Gateway we must say you have been a very special chapter in our lives, and we would not be the people we are today without you all. We love you so much and have loved being apart of your lives. We miss you already, but just as we trust the Lord for our lives, we trust He is directing your's as well.

Today we announced to Gateway our departure. Today we began our transition. Today is only a beginning, and tomorrow we fulfill His plans.

God is faithful!
Jeremy and Athena